♥ Days Married ♥

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

EDD: 9th December 2014
Gynae: Dr Lee Keen Whye
Clinic: KW Lee Clinic & Surgery for Women, Gleneagles
Delivery Hospital: Gleneagles

Actual Day: 29 March 2013
Wedding Dinner Venue: Marriott Hotel Singapore
Bridal Studio: Julia Wedding News
Wedding Bands: The Diamond Atelier
AD Photography: Avenue 8 (Douglas Fun)

ROM Date: 20 November 2011
Solemnisation Venue: Poolside, Swissotel Merchant Court
Venue Decor and Flowers: Love Droplets
ROM Photography: Avenue 8 (Dave Wong)
Love Nest: Punggol Emerald (2014)
JP: Dr Phua Tan Tee

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The One with Reinie, and my new Bedside Clock

Lately, I've been emotionally laden with family issues. I can't help but think of simpler times whereby finding a solution to my own worries was all that I needed to care about. I now find myself faced with situations that affect my life greatly but yet am helpless against doing what needs to be done. As much as I wish things will take a turn for the better, I trust my instincts that it'll only become worse, and with me having zero power to make things better for me and hubby. This is all due to the works of one parasite. I really can't say more, it's the internet after all.

When life throws you crap, the only way I can counter it is by replacing it with something cheerier, like shopping for my new place! I have a vision in my mind about my new home and how I can make it really cozy. I would like nothing better than to be involved in every single aspect of building a nest for us, from flooring and wall colours right down to the 'his and hers' coffee mugs.

Spotted this little darling of a clock the other day and knew I had to get it. I think it'd look absolutely dreamy on my bedside table. It was love at first sight for me, kinda like Little Reinie over there.
Little Reinie holds a special place in my heart. I met Eugene while working in Borders 7 years ago and Little Reinie had all the ladies working there swooning over how cute he was at the Paperchase counter. I was one of the swooning ladies. One day when our paths crossed, I briefly exclaimed how cute Reinie was to Eugene who was busy running from the info counter to the cash register. Reinie was depleting in stock (duh...) and he was the last one left. Eugene smiled and laughed at me. I guess he must be shaking his head and thinking, "Girls and their obsession with stuffed animals..."
The following hour was bizarre for me because I had Borders ladies flocking over and telling me how lucky I am! I was like "Ahh?? what's happening?"

Then Eugene waited for me after work armed with Reinie in hand. The commotion in the afternoon happened because the ladies at the information counter where staff reservations are held saw Reinie reserved under his name. He made the purchase after work and presented Reinie to me. That marked the first ever present from Eugene and how it was so 'drama'. This will be a good story for the kids next time.

thats reinie getting a whiff of my current favourite candle

Looking forward to more new house thingamajigs! I think they have started painting the completed blocks of our home. Really exciting seeing the progress of our home from an empty plot of land to the completed 17 storeys. Not too long now! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Hope you liked it!  (ˆ◡ˆ) ❤

my very first scrapbooking effort!

1st Anniversary

Happy 1st Anniversary Wifey!

365 days of loving and counting.
Oh apologies, it's 2510 days to be exact...

love you!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The One with the 5 hr bargaining session at the Bridal Studio

As you can probably guess from the title, yes the wedding photos are ready for selection. Hence the need to linger in the BS till after closing hours to banter with my coordinator. I shifted and rearranged photos, veto-ed many options and buried my head in my hands to the sounds of soothing piano pieces playing in the background that might as well be heavy metal clanging in my head. I've pulled my hair back, washed my face like 5 times and slapped myself silly about 10. Very 'qiong hei' I know, 5 freaking hours. Jesus. What a damn way to spend a good Sunday.

Eugene was no better. He suddenly developed a need to stroll 4 times in 5 hours and visit the loo twice as much. In short, we were a complete wreck deciding what to do..

First of all, Ah Liang the idiotic maestro took 400+ pictures. ^&%$^#@@! We were only supposed to choose 30. *Guffaws* After 2 1/2 hours and 5 rounds of eliminations, we have narrowed it down to the best 70. By this hour I was ready to call it a night. But sadly, this was just the beginning.

JWN charges $80 per additional photo. The extra 40 pieces will mean $3200 with the normal album with plain white backgrounds without 2-page continuation. This means that if your photos are large and spills over to the 2nd page, there'll be an ugly white line running down the picture, cutting your photo into 2 parts. We preferred page continuation so that's an upgrade which means additional costs. We love some of the eliminated photos as well but could only get them at a 'price'.

So after 5 hours, we left starving but satisfied with the following;
1) 1XX number of photos, for the album and for keeps, both hard and soft copies
2) 1 Portrait (3 photos)
3) 2 x tabletops
4) An upgrade to magazine-style computer graphic album

Total cost: $3XXX

I apologize but we are not allowed to reveal the exact amount so that's as far as I can go.

One more down. On to the next task! (>‿◕)✌

he looks so happy... hahaha!