♥ Days Married ♥

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

EDD: 9th December 2014
Gynae: Dr Lee Keen Whye
Clinic: KW Lee Clinic & Surgery for Women, Gleneagles
Delivery Hospital: Gleneagles

Actual Day: 29 March 2013
Wedding Dinner Venue: Marriott Hotel Singapore
Bridal Studio: Julia Wedding News
Wedding Bands: The Diamond Atelier
AD Photography: Avenue 8 (Douglas Fun)

ROM Date: 20 November 2011
Solemnisation Venue: Poolside, Swissotel Merchant Court
Venue Decor and Flowers: Love Droplets
ROM Photography: Avenue 8 (Dave Wong)
Love Nest: Punggol Emerald (2014)
JP: Dr Phua Tan Tee

Friday, December 18, 2015

Lucas's 1st Birthday!

Planning for Lucas's birthday started about 6 months before the actual event. I was worried about securing a venue that allows me to bring in my own caterer and I was really relieved to chance upon a cafe that charges by the hour and has no restriction on bringing my own caterer. Then I had to source for a reliable custom birthday cake maker and I was extremely pleased with Nur's handiwork! 

I can't believe that Lucas is 1! It seems like just yesterday when I met him for the first time in the delivery suite. Motherhood sure is a test of sheer willpower. Right from the first push to the sleepless nights for the past 1 year. But nothing makes us Mummies happier than seeing out babies grow up happy and healthy!

I hope Lucas will look back at these pictures and know that he had an awesome first birthday! Some may say it'll silly to be this extravagant for a kid's 1st birthday but I believe that turning 1 is a milestone, plus I had great fun prepping for his birthday with my trusty decor buddy baba!! She's such a trooper! It would have been impossible to mickey-fy the cafe without her help! ^^

Looking forward to Christmas in just 1 week!! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Time stops when I watch you sleep. 

How I wish you'll stop growing up so quickly...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gold class and more

I've never gotten anything rewarding from my years of working. Perhaps because for the past 7 years I was stuck in a job that was the equivalent to that of a retirement career.

Being in a new vibrant environment has its perks. You mingle with the younger and more driven crowd who constantly propels you to work harder. These past 5 months has been an eye opening experience, because although my work load has increased ten folds, the occasional perks can feel quite rewarding. 

Hubby and I got treated to a Gold Class dinner and movie last night from my company. It was a pleasant surprise because such thing has never happened to me. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves last time being spoilt silly with champagne, a sumptuous dinner and popcorn from the fund house sponsoring this event for an invited few. At least with rewards like these, it makes my hard work worthwhile. 

Here's hoping for a bumper November before I take a break in Dec! 41 more sleeps to Christmas! :)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Mummy!

My mum has been a rockstar this year. She retired after 45 years of working in the same company to help look after Lucas so that I can go back to work, basically sacrificing her disposable income as well as her freedom to allow me to pursue my career. Not many mums will do that for their children, especially in a career driven society such as Singapore. Makes me truly appreciate what she has done for me. 

Brought her out for an early birthday dinner on Saturday at Si Chuan Dou Hua at UOB Plaza. The food was great but the view was subpar, largely masked by the hazy weather. But Lucas was very happy to be out, and the curious him kept eyeing his surrounding, trying to peek past our shoulders and smiling at random strangers, which can be very endearing. All in all, it was great fun! 

My little boy looks so grown up... *tears*

I really can't help but lament that time is passing by too quickly, especially over these past few months being back at work. It won't be long before Lucas's 1 year old birthday and as I'm finalizing the guest list, it's hard to believe that not long ago, I was watching my belly grow and feeling kicks and nudges from within. I'm just extremely grateful that despite the ups and downs of parenthood, Lucas is a happy and healthy baby. 

Christmas is just a mere 48 days away and I'm so freaking excited! I sooo look forward to Christmas, even more so this year because we get to bring him around and take pictures with Christmas trees! 

On the topic of Christmas, sales are popping up all over Singapore and the crazy Mother in me went a little mad Christmas and birthday shopping for Lucas. My dear son is very old school. He loves Mickey, the dear old Disney icon from the stone ages, so I went and got him all things Mickey. 

Then I went into Gap Kids and picked up some stuff for our family trip next yr. Yes, I am very kiasu. 

And here's the cheeky boy at Saizeriya, which is fast becoming my favourite restuarant in town. Cheap food aside, every table has a screaming baby / toddler. I felt right at home and complete unabashed that my own baby is shrieking at the top of his lungs. We took our leisurely time having dinner because there were no nasty glances thrown our way when Lucas decides to let out one of his long screams. Kudos to the Japanese really, their shopping centers and eateries are the friendliest places to bring kids to. 

Looking forward to a short work week! :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

And so

I've been delinquent on my postings, much apologies. Juggling a teething baby and a new job is a tough feat, one that I'm struggling to cope with due to lack of sleep and long working hours. Life isn't all too pleasant right now, but I'll learn to be positive and see the light at the end of this freaking long tunnel.

Many milestones achieved for little Lucas. He has conquered the art of standing on his own and cruising whilst holding onto something and he can transition from lying down to a sitting position and vice versa with much ease. He's also trying very hard to mouth certain words but have so far succeeded in "hi", the letter "A" and "Maaaa", the last being my favourite of course. 

It's a bittersweet feeling, going back to work. Being paid well is one thing but I lose out on watching him transition from being a baby to a toddler. I suppose I should still take comfort in the fact that he sticks to me like glue whenever I'm around and that bond has somehow strengthened because he doesn't see me around in the day anymore. Full on Mummy's guilt. 

Practicing for NS
"Mummy look! I can make a lot of loud noises!"
This little guy has taken a interest to walking and standing. He stands up all the time and tries very hard to walk from one point to the other, sometimes to the extent of letting go too early and falling on us.

"Lelong Lelong... 3 for $10!"
"Eh why cannot move one? Who's messing with my car?"

Placed him on the NTuC trolley for the first time and he was sooo excited. Why can't adults be as easily satisfied with life?

"Yay Mummy, let's buy everything!"
"Ok, no need just check me out!" :)
We are contemplating signing him up for some classes like Gymboree or whatnots. We thought it'll be fun for him to play with other children. Any suggestions? 

My little munchkin, you're growing up too quickly!!  :(

Friday, July 24, 2015

A new job, and a new beginning

The past 3 weeks has been a whirlwind. I got a spanking new job which I'm pretty excited about. Nothing is more crappy than a deadend job with no career progression. So now that that part of my life is dead and buried, I'm hoping to focus on new beginnings and exciting new challenges!

That being said, certain sacrifices has to be made. I remembered the first day I kissed Lucas goodbye in the early hours of the morning as Daddy Chua whisk him off to my Mum's. I felt heartstrings tug as he clung to his dad and gazed at me with sleepy and confused eyes. I felt such guilt that I almost cried. I miss our mid-morning cuddles in bed and waking up to his sticky little hands all over my face. Those moments are only limited to weekends now, and there's not a lot of time to do that either, because coming home at 9pm every night means having a truckload of chores to do over the weekend. And before you know it, the weekend is over and everything starts all over. 

While at work, I worry about his food intake, his learning progression, am not sure if he will face abandonment issues or thinks that his mummy doesn't love him anymore. Sometimes when I come back home and he greets me with a sullen face, I'm guilted to believe that he's angry with me.

Yes, I know I think too much and that these are unnecessary guilty worries. Any mummies out there who feel the same way?

So, I make it a point to spend at least 30 mins every day to bond with him. I'll nurse him, talk to him, listen to his goos and gaas, read to him or just smoother him with kisses till he squeals. Children grow up too quickly, and I know there will come a day when he will refuse my kisses and struggle to break free from my bear hugs. 

In the meantime, I know I have to do what I have to do. I'm fortunate enough to have my mum look after him so I need not place him in IFC. So I'll just have to grit my teeth and believe that he understands that I'm doing this for him as well. 

To all brave working mummies, I think we all deserve a huge commendation. Let's push on!

TGIF everybody! ^^

Friday, June 26, 2015


So proud of my little munchkin, after days of grunting and lunging, he finally learnt how to crawl! We tried to put toys out of his reach and he promptly maneuvered his way towards them and reached out with his little hand to grab it. *tears up*
Time is flying by too quickly. Why is my baby growing up so quickly?

We brought him down for 3rd dose of 5-in-1 immunization last week and he was down with a mild case of fever. So we fed him some paracetamol and patched his little forehead. He woke up early on Father's Day all bright and cheery. Really proud of my little trooper :) 

We head on over to Orchard Hotel for a high tea Father's Day celebration with my parents. Happy 1st Father's Day Daddy Chua! Thanks for being an awesome dad to Lucas and a great partner in this parenthood journey!

So much is happening for the 2nd half of the year. A major turning point in my career, our first family trip and Lucas's 1 year old birthday party which I'm already starting to plan. I'm sooo looking forward to the rest of 2015! It's gonna be a blast! :)

I can reach it.... I can reeeachhh it!!

Mummy why is there a plaster on my forehead?
I love my Daddy!

Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Blender fun!

Freshly made pumpkin and carrot purée! I love the Phillip Blender Steamer! Best $159 spent!!

Tasty blended goodness!

All cooled and ready to be frozen!
I hope Lucas likes it!!

Yet another milestone today. My little munchkin can do a sit-up! We just grabbed his fingers and he hurled himself up into a sitting position! Well done my little one! *eyes glistening from proud mummy moment*

Baby buys

I contemplated if I should start the inevitable toy buying phase because it's a slippery slope to accumulating more baby stuff and turning our pristine home into a full blown childcare centre. But as I see poor Lucas waddling on his mat, chewing on the legs of his soft toys, I felt my heartstrings tug and decided to invest in some "educational" toys for him. 

The Early Learning Centre sale could not have come at a better time. Storewide 50% had me really excited. I remember how Ferragamo sales got the pre-mummy me all hyped up. Never would I have imagined that children toys can have the same impact on me.
These are what I picked up for Lucas. We went to the Seletar Mall branch and found it packed with young parents. 
Total damage, $208 down from $416. Our purchases got hubby and I really excited! We might have more fun with them than Lucas! I'll probably keep the 2 larger ones for when he's able to stand.
My 'studious' baby
While we're at it, I've decided to get some colourful books to read to him as well. I doubt he knows what they are but I'm hoping that the colours will entice him! And it gives me something to read to him as well!

Lucas seems to be biting everything in sight, which may be due to itchy guns. Hence, I got him his first ever girlfriend, Sophie! So far, they seem to hit it off pretty well! ^^
My new girlfriends!

My iherb purchases arrived! Since Lucas is now 6 months old, it's time to bid "free food" adieu and welcome the myraid of puréed food and cereal. The bulk you see here is mostly for outdoor feeds. I think it's better for babies to eat home prepared food because honestly, how can jars of baby food that expires in 6 months ever be "preservatives-free"?
PS: Tried and tested the munchkin spoons. Love love them! Makes feeding so much easier! 
On the other hand, Lucas prefers puréed food to rice cereal. I got this Gerber one from iherb because it's made in the US. Nestle Cerelac (commonly found in NTUC) is made in Malaysia. This is purely personal preference, not because I think Nestle Cerelac is bad. I've read that babies do not usually like rice cereal. I think I'll have to resort to more coaxing in the meantime.

To get $10 off your first iherb purchase (min $40) or $5 off for purchases less than $40, feel free to use the code GUJ608!

That's all the damage done for now! Mummy needs to go earn more moolah now :(